January 25, 2012

Think Future and Plant Tree!

Someone planting a tree carefully.

Movie called "The Lorax" has no trees around.

Movie called "The Lorax" uses plastic flowers, plastic trees and plastic insects in the streets because they don't have any more real tree anymore.

Have you ever think of what does tree helps you? Do You know who made you inspired plating trees? There are lots of people saying plating tree is helping us, but they do not plant tree! Muta Maathai and Felix Finkbeiner were the most famous planter who made campaign to plant trees! Inspiring other people to plant trees and make people act effects makes lots of difference later on the future!

Wangari Muta Maathai was a African who made huge difference by planting thirty million tree. She started focusing on Earth Day in 1977. She also inspire people by teaching them why is it important and why do they have to plant for “future”. She was the first women to recognize “tree planter”. She claimed “There's a general culture in this country to cut all the trees. It makes me so angry because everyone is cutting and no one is planting.”, it made people cutting less tree and plant more trees. She made people understood he feelings of “future”. She made African people inspired and they learned why is it important and she made people act it. That makes thirty millions of tree planted in Africa. Other people from other country also have been inspiered by her and lots of campaigns were made. Such as “Plant for the Planet” which is famous at “Stop Talking and Start Planing”. Felix Finkbeiner, who was inspired by Wangari Maathai made “tree campaign” when he was only nine years old.

Felix Finkbeiner is thirteen years old boy who made world wide large tree planting campaign called “Plant for the Planet”. He started to think about planting trees when he was nine years old. He was first inspired by Wangari Maathaion who planted thirty millions of trees in Africa. He made children to plant tree with his campaign for their future. He tries to make people intrest to attend his campaign by using great idea, such as giving ‘T-Shirt” when they attend the campaign. He and his campaign now planted about twelve millions trees now but his still not giving up. He is the one who thinks about the future which is called visionary forward-thinker. He claimed ‘Stop Talking and Start Planting” which really effect peoples to plant trees and it shows people to just plant trees. He can be achieve his goal which is plant billion trees. What do you think about planting trees for the future so when you grow up, the trees will reduce air pollution.

Finally when we inspire people plant trees, you can get lots of things from it. When you plant trees you can make people happy too. On April 5th, it is holiday in South Korea but the purpose of the holiday is to "planting trees" and people are planting trees on that day, but there is only few trees so there are less trees and more pollution. When there is more tree, there will be more oxygen and less air pollution because leaves absorb polluted air. When there is less trees like the book called "The Lorax", the world will be polluted and you will die really fast but the boy changed to save trees. When you have free times, you can plant trees for the future like Felix!

When you plant a tree, it can also makes huge difference! If there is less tree in the future, then no one will be survive. However think future and plant trees so you can make difference!