April 12, 2011

The Skirt

What is the story behind this skirt?

-A skirt is alone with old bamboo. Skirt was so bored that she couldn't hang. Old bamboo wasn't talking at all. Few days later a man with huge new bamboos came to a skirt and said 'Why are you so sad?'. The skirt said 'Old bamboo is so scary!'. So he changed old bamboo to new bamboo than new bamboo could talk! However skirt asked him where did old bamboo go? New bamboo said old one went to trash. Anyway skirt was old too but not old as that bamboo and skirt was useful than old bamboo. After week later skirt and the new bamboo became best friend. She want to go near the bamboo but she couldn't move for long times and skirt cannot move. Suddenly there was heavy rain with thunder and wind is blowing to hard. Skirt fall down on the wild rice. She stayed at there for one month. She was really muddy and stinky. Children came to her and one of them pick the skirt and washed her. That's why skirt is so clean but color is lighter then last times. That guy want to change color but it failed. He tried again and again. He tried so many time that it was really dirtier then last time. He put on the hanger back and the new bamboo became older too so they both were really bored. However they were lived together until skirt is riped naturally. After 100 hundreds year later skirt became ancient skirt because after 100 years the skirt was made by machine but this skirt was made by hands. It wasn't clean but not really dirty. It was only one hand made skirt that was found. It became popular and popular that wealthy people came to see the ancient skirt. Now this skirt was cleaner than before and it is put inside famous museum. Actually it wasn't famous but it became famous after the skirt was put in to museum.