November 24, 2011

Never Give Up Easily

Albert Einstein claimed "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

How do you solve problem when you struggle on something? Have you give up easily? How did you feel after you accomplish problem? People never give up on the problem they had but they have to trust themselves and have to be patience. What Albert Einstein claimed, has lots of deep meaning. It means it takes long to solve problem. His not genius, his just normal person who doesn't give up easily. Some people don't have patience so they gave up so fast. They just had to believe themselves and never struggle. Lots of people have really hard time with the disease so they hard to do other stuff when they wanted to do but they still not giving up. I inspired that I can over come when there is hard things to do but I have to trust myself and I have to be patience. I always give up easily but sometimes when I play badminton, I trust myself and do not give up easily. As you see the top of the picture, it shows the lizard are not giving up and surviving from goose. It attracts me that the lizard is weak but it doesn't give up. Muhammad Ali and William Wissermann is the person who has patience and who does not give up.

Muhammad Ali claimed that he can be best always. His dream was boxing heavyweight champion of the world. Now, he won gold medal in Olympics. He never think about negative way such as failing. He said “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” which makes him more strong when he thought of that quote. Later on his having hard time with Parkinson’s disease. Which makes him loosing muscle control and it makes difficult walk and talk. As you see above there is video about him, that he accomplished rising Olympic torch high above. He rises the torch up in the sky. He never gives up, even though he has Parkinson’s disease. It perseverated me to not give up easily, even you’re tired of it. That disease which makes him shaking but he raised it but he wasn't scared of anything.

William Wissemann was dyslexia boy. When he was 4th grade, he couldn’t spell his name properly and he has difficulty with learning stuff. He found new strategies of learning. He had to break down the sentence to understand and he learned how to figure Rubik’s square. It took only few weeks for him. Usually dyslexia people get difficult of understanding and it’s hard to recover. The Rubik’s square taught him that ‘accomplish something big, it helps to break it down into small pieces’. He didn’t even think of giving up learning new things. In my opinion, I think it would be really hard when dyslexia happens to me, because I would be giving up so easily and dyslexia makes me hard to learn something new.

They don’t give and they don’t think of failing. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe claimed "Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." This quotes shows that believing yourself and when you made that happens then it is magic. In my opinion, almost everyone trust yourself but not giving up fast which makes the magic not happens. When I play badminton, I trust my self and do not give up because when I don't trust my self then I would be loosing and it makes me tired to play. As you see above, you can success on everything when you trust your self and never give up easily. The biginning is always hardest too so when you try thousands time like Tomas Edison who makes light bulb then you can be really good. If you haven't success, you should try again and again.

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October 19, 2011

Useless Plastic Bag

Did you know that huge amounts of fish or turtles are killed because of the plastic? The plastics were floating on the oceans and they thought the plastic is jellyfish! The amounts of water living animals are becoming extinct like cute turtles! Over 500 billions of plastic bags were used each year. Why don’t we use huge reusable bag instead of using plastic bag? To make the our environment clean and peaceful for us, let’s see what causes environment by plastic bag and why it should be banned!

Usually almost every plastic bags are non-biodegradable which can’t break down for long times. Plastic bag has polyethylene, nylon, rayon, polyester, lexan, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), dacron. That makes plastic not breaks down. It takes 1000 years to degrade. People wants to throw all the trash to ocean or sea because they were tired of to take care where to throw and after that animals who lives in the ocean (sea turtles, e.t.c) are having difficult time finding food. They eat plastic bag because they think how the plastic bag floats on the water, it looks like jelly fish floating. Lots of animals are dying of this. Inside of their body, it is full of plastic bag piece. Plastic bag allows us to carrying stuff but it is useless because it is made of thin surface and it is more comfortable to use big reusable bags to carrying stuff.

Additionally, it is important to fight to ban plastic bag from super market store or selling plastic bag because 1 trillion plastic bags are used every year and about 1 million plastic bags were used every minute. We have to stop them by banned plastic bag and let the guests of market to buy a reusable huge bags like what Ikea is selling. Animals are having difficult times with plastic bags because sea animals thinks plastic bag is their food and birds also thinks same thing.

Plastic bags make world harmful by increasing carbon dioxide and it makes human harmful or animals. It would be good when all the plastic bags were disappear and there are paper bags to appear or reusable bags. Reusable bags used this for long long times and it's not easy to break. Plastic bag wastes little moneys but it is easy to break. Paper bags are better then plastic bag but reusable bags are more better. When we use lots of plastic bag , people will just throw everywhere like street road. It looks very disgusting when there are plastics on the streets.

Without plastic bag, the world would have enjoyable time where we can see sea turtles in the place like Tioman because in Tioman there has to be lots of turtles but they are rare to see. After the plastic bag is gone we all can see animals and we also can shops without plastic bags. Today, world are getting better and better. People uses plastic bags or plastics to decorate and recycle and reuse. People are trying to global warm.

September 19, 2011

FIght for Peace

-Douglus McArthur

Douglus McArthur was born in Little Rock, Arkansas on 1880 and died in Washington DC on 1964. His father and brother were soldiers too so his dream were a soldier. When he became a soldier, his first work and Philippines. After He helped Philippines, he went to Japan to learn more about this country. When he heard that South Korea got danger fromNorth Korea, he came to South Korea.

After 6.25 war in Korea, North Korea and South Korea separate. North Korea are try to attack South Korea to get more land. North Korea took over Seoul, Incheon and other places in South Korea. North Korea put 38 parallel there so South Korea cannot take over North Korea. UN sent soldiers to South Korea to help them to help to stop attacking South Korea. (38 parallel is the line between South Korea and North Korea). Douglus McArthur was in the UN soldiers too.

One of UN soldiers called Douglus McArthur was high rank of soldiers. He helped lots of country and his family were soldiers so his dream was to becom soldier. He came to South Korea and his plan was to go to Incheon with 350 ship at 1 O'Clock night. North Korea didn't notice that 350 sheep are coming to them. They were surprised after UN soldiers apper when North Korean are sleeping. He shoot the North Korea and they have to give Incheon and Seoul back. He became almost top of UN soldier. South Korea got Seoul, Incheon and other places in South Korea back from North Korea and North Korea is not attacking South Korea anymore. He became top of the UN soldier but he was fired by president after he complain to president.

Additionally it was important help to fight against North Korea, because if he didn't then North Korea will be keep attacking South Korea. He made both Korea peaceful after he stopped with his plan. This made South Korea develop and find South Korea's capital out. Without his help, South Korea would become colony of North Korea.

August 27, 2011

Technology Advancements Way of Making Freedom!

←"On White II" (Wassily Kandinsky 1923)

Freeman Dyson claimed "Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and sciences." Technology advancements are defined as a society that is always looking ahead to create more technologically and medicines.. If given the opportunity (chance) to begin a New World, I would hope the society would be built when Hitler take over Jews because when there were technology the government will know where are the Nazi's concentration camp by using using technology advancements.

Technology advancements are an important characteristic because this can makes people more convenient. Technology advancements allows make key of peace because we can have medicine to make sick person better, we can call with telephone with out writing letter so it would be more faster to transfer message, we can know about the world by searching on world wide web or we can travel to other country by using air plane.

Additionally, it is important for a society to be built around Nazi Regime because when we have computer than police can find out where is Nazi's concentration camp by map from satellite. Technology advancements allows for tell people message better because it helps us to call by phone or internet and it is more fast way then writing letters.

Without technology advancements, the New World would be really hard to survive. As mentioned earlier, technology advancements are once claimed, "Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and sciences." meaning technology are very important in our life like civilizations, arts and sciences. This quotes shows how important is technology advancements in our life. This can help to make life more easier and confident. Without technology advancements, life get worth.

May 6, 2011

The Hat

The hat was valuable at this period time. There are only 100 hats in the world at that time and it was only for the king and queen. So it goes to every different country. Hats were made by silk at that time and nobody couldn't mastered how to make a hat and only hat maker JinGi knows how to make golden silk hats and king asked to make 100 hats. One of the famous king provide to his friend and he kept 20 hats for himself. When hats delivered to Korea to England suddenly golden silk hat fall down the ship. It arrived at the Malaysia's island called 'Langkawi'. It wasn't famous at all and there are no tourist but there was a poor family living in that island. It was beautiful island and when poor family found a hat than tourist starts to come to Langkawi. Sea become dirty and dirtier after tourist come to island. Now Langkawi has been dirty that nobody don't want to go there and there are no more fishes left. Almost every fish extinct. Poor family got rich so they when to city and buy different species of fishes. They donate a hat to famous museum where the skirt was put in.

April 12, 2011

The Skirt

What is the story behind this skirt?

-A skirt is alone with old bamboo. Skirt was so bored that she couldn't hang. Old bamboo wasn't talking at all. Few days later a man with huge new bamboos came to a skirt and said 'Why are you so sad?'. The skirt said 'Old bamboo is so scary!'. So he changed old bamboo to new bamboo than new bamboo could talk! However skirt asked him where did old bamboo go? New bamboo said old one went to trash. Anyway skirt was old too but not old as that bamboo and skirt was useful than old bamboo. After week later skirt and the new bamboo became best friend. She want to go near the bamboo but she couldn't move for long times and skirt cannot move. Suddenly there was heavy rain with thunder and wind is blowing to hard. Skirt fall down on the wild rice. She stayed at there for one month. She was really muddy and stinky. Children came to her and one of them pick the skirt and washed her. That's why skirt is so clean but color is lighter then last times. That guy want to change color but it failed. He tried again and again. He tried so many time that it was really dirtier then last time. He put on the hanger back and the new bamboo became older too so they both were really bored. However they were lived together until skirt is riped naturally. After 100 hundreds year later skirt became ancient skirt because after 100 years the skirt was made by machine but this skirt was made by hands. It wasn't clean but not really dirty. It was only one hand made skirt that was found. It became popular and popular that wealthy people came to see the ancient skirt. Now this skirt was cleaner than before and it is put inside famous museum. Actually it wasn't famous but it became famous after the skirt was put in to museum.

March 22, 2011

My Brain Quiz

Yesterday, I learned about how brain work. I learned lots of stuff that I don't know. We learned power nap, endolphin, exersise, having fun, sleep and water/food. I play soccer every lunch so I needs to drink more water but I drink lots of water when I play badminton because I use lots of energy when I play badminton with my coach and friends. I want to bring two water bottles but its too heavy so I don't want to bring two bottles. I already eat healthy food so I should keep eating healthy food and ead breakfast, lunch and dinner. I exercise before the classed start and I exercise when I play badminton and soccer. I want to sleep early because I have lots of homework and I do homework before the due day. However I enjoy my school life. The solution is to do homework over the weekend. I eat before ride bus and I sleep when I ride bus so I will have fun school life!

In the future I want to sleep 9 O'clock so I can be more cheerful. I want to laugh more but I usually laugh a lot. I want to sleep after I come home because when I get home I get tired but I have to study and I have tuition and lesson.

February 23, 2011

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

1) Why did we read Boy in the Striped Pyjamas? -I think Boy in the Striped Pyjamas has great book and movie. he book helps us to imagine what happened in the book because there is no picture in the book. After reading Boy in the Striped Pyjamas then we watched movie so we'll know what happens because there are no picture in the book but movie has the setting.

2) What did you learn?
-I learned how the Nazi hated Jews so much. It was awful to watch kill Jews and Bruno but it was kind of interesting that Nazi killed Jews because they were using gas to kill Jews. I also learned that

3) How can you be an "upstander" in the future?

-I can be upstander by helping my friends when they get trouble so we can be more friendly. I can also respect others.

February 19, 2011

Hunger Games

What were the biggest dangers to your group?
-My biggest dangers to my group was that we had useless things but it was helpful. We will die of starvation, also we could die of floods because our shelter was at the lower area so water will flood to our shelter.

What do you wish you would have had?
-We wish to have other part of flint because flint has to be 2 but we only had one of them so we couldn't get a fire. We also needs compass to tell where we are.

What strengths did you bring to the group?
-I brought some ideas how could use things usefully. I also helped design the shelter.

What was your favorite thing about FRIM?
-My favorite thing about FRIM was aquatics activity. I enjoyed to catch fishies in the clean stream. The stream in the FRIM has really clear water. I could see water really clearly so I can catch a lot of different spicies of fish.

What would like to change for next year?
-It would be fun if we sleep more days so we could do more activities and study more about FRIM. I also want to change that we could sleep 3 days so it will be more comfutable when we get back to home, also it will be big experience for practice Malaysia Week.

February 14, 2011

Domiknow Profile

I am logic learner so I learn best when I list thing before I do something important, I also use brainstorm so I could think of more good idea, and if I see the picture I could also see what I have to do. I need to immaginate more, so when I read the book I could read and remember more. The strategies that would help me in my learning is to think more creatively. I really would like my teachers to know this about me, so I can be better student.

January 9, 2011

Bad Moment Over the Holiday

My terrible moment was to do science homework. I was playing and sleepingin my home and I was worried about science homework because I was really worried that my science grade will go down. However I finished my homework before Saturday. When I my science homework than I started do another homework. Next time I will finish my homework first than I will rest.